How to apply conditional formatting across an entire row based on text in a cell in Google Sheets

  1. Open the Google Sheets file
  2. Open on the menu bar Format >> Conditional formatting
  3. In the conditional formatting editing side panel, define the following settings
    • Range to apply the formatting (eg. A1:L99)
    • Format rules (see below)
    • Formatting style (eg. red text, yellow cell)
  4. Formatting rules to apply conditional formatting across an entire row based on text in a cell
    • Open the dropdown “Format cell if”
    • Select “Custom formula is”
    • Enter equal (=)
    • Enter the column where the relevant condition is to be evaluated
    • Enter the number of the row that corresponds to the upper row in the range range to apply the formatting (if range A1:L99 then enter eg. C1)
    • Enter equal (=)
    • Enter the text that should be present in the cell to trigger the conditional formatting (“text here”)
    • The dollar sign ($) will lock the column on which we want to base our conditional formatting. This is the key to highlighting the entire row.
    • Use formula without dollar sign ($) if you want to apply the conditional formatting on the fitting cells within the column
  5. Example to apply conditional formatting across an entire row based on text in a cell
=$C1="text here"

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