Decontaminate Lake Titicaca

The waters of Lake Titicaca turned to green and brown and the fish are scarce, mainly due to the pollution that is currently caused by product of waste water.
According to Minagri, actions will be promoted to decontaminate the whole Lake Titicaca between Peru and Bolivia, with the construction of treatment plants in towns and cities, to avoid waste water ending up in Lake Titicaca and Desaguadero River.

Both Peru and Bolivia contaminated. The city of Alto La Paz in Bolivia, with a population of one million 184 thousand 942 inhabitants is the major polluter at present. Almost half of the waste of the city is getting directly into the lake, while the other part is processed by the treatment plant Puchukollo.
The Puno region in Peru, which concentrates its inhabitants into a single point, also discharges its waste into Lake Titicaca.
Copacabana has become one of the most polluted with Tiquina points and Cohana. Waste of its growing population and its many visitors go straight into the lake.

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