Olinda, carnival and electric trio

Also in Olinda the carnival has started and is already a whole turmoil for the final preparation of banners, disguises, choreographs; then all of Brazil will begin to dance and to enjoy chasing floats and electric trio.
Olinda is a really pretty town, which is affected by the proximity of the immense Recife, but maintains its mild and colorful rhythms. Every evening we climb up to the neighborhoods on the hill to eat macaxeira or mandioca com queijo (cassava with cheese) in the company of our friends. Between day and night we throw in the chaos of the carnival with music and dancing, we organize our itinerant banquet and dispense our street friends with sangria and joy.

Olinda, carnival and trio eletrico brazil

Jacumã, the unexpected pearl

I went every day to the market, only to flood myself of colors, to get drunk of flavors, to live thousands of lives. So it happens in Jacumã, the unexpected pearl of the brazilian north-east (nordeste): enchanting beaches, almost deserted, nice and quiet people, art and colors, the welcoming pousada where I am located and that emanates an intense and positive energy. Magics of Brazil.

The sunset of a sun
fiery passion
dusk of a lifetime
devoted to the resurrection
how many angels will fall
to open a chasm
in our heart of steel
how many tears of heaven
to dissolve the spell
that denies us the free flight…

Jacumã, the unexpected pearl brazil

Salvador de Bahia and Itaparica

Often chance plays some wonderful jokes: walking in the center of Salvador de Bahia we meet friends from Corumbá. We had not found in Rio where we were in the same beach, but everything happens 2,000 km further to the north.
First taste of Nordeste, the vast region of Brazil where everything is mixed and changes face…
The island of Itaparica extends in front of the Bahia de todos os santos. We get lost in long stories and visit the village on the island, so it’s late when we try to take the ferry back to Salvador. After 3 hours of happy expectation, we can take the last passage, but we are so many on the ship that after a few meters we run aground and only with great difficulty we take the short drive to the port of Salvador de Bahia… chills. Soon comes the night and to celebrate the success of our adventure, we eat a delicious moqueca de peixe, the most typical Bahian dish: palm oil, dogfish, coconut milk, vegetables, rice and farofa. The Nordeste, black soul, sensuality, smiles, music and taste.

salvador de bahia itaparica moqueca brazil

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