Maya Pedal, developing bicimaquinas

Maya Pedal is an NGO been born in 1997, with the aim to help the development of the rural communities in Guatemala, through the utilization of the “bicimaquinas”. With the term bicimaquina (bicycle machine) they refer to an intermediate technology, developed from recycled bicycles: therefore it’s a self-sufficient and eco-sustainable technology, as it does not demand electric power or fuel for its operation; moreover it’s a reliable instrument of support for the familiar economy, as the machines produced have always an immediate functionality. In the workshop of San Andres Itzapa (Chimaltenango, Guatemala), thanks also to the contribution of a group of researchers of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) of Boston, various types of bicimaquinas are designed and assembled, just as an example: bicycle blenders (bicilicuadoras), bicycle soil mills (bicimolinos), bicycle corn degrainer and coffee depulper (bicidesgranadora de maiz e bicidespulpadora de cafe), water pumps (bicibombas de lazo), washing machines (bicilavadoras), tricycles and bicitaxis, bicycle plows (biciarados) and bicycle electricity generator (bicigenerador de electricidad). Collaborating directly with the fantastic people who create the small staff of the organization, I have been able to understand how much is appreciated in Guatemala and above all in the rural communities the activity of Maya Pedal: every day new interested people and associations come to visit the workshop or contact them, in order to buy and distribute the assembled machines on the territory. It’s so interesting to participate to the simple but brilliant production process of every bicimaquina, which is exclusively based on the utilization of parts of used bicycles, opportunely modified. This article aims to be a suggestion for all who want to get involved in a volunteering project that in concrete terms acts on the territory, carrying benefit to the Guatemalan rural communities, where still lack basic services. The web sites of Maya Pedal and Pedal Power provide a good source of information for anyone interested in the project.

maya pedal volunteering bicimaquinas bicycle machine recycled self-sufficient and eco-sustainable technology San Andres Itzapa Chimaltenango Guatemala Central America

7 thoughts on “Maya Pedal, developing bicimaquinas”

  1. Hi,
    Dejare’ a las personas que actualmente trabajan en Maya Pedal su contacto, para que le vayan a responder cuanto antes
    Gracias por comentar
    (I’m going to contact them and leave them your email address… Hope they will answer promptly to your request, thanks)

  2. Gracias por su apoyo,
    en los proximos dias quiero contactar directamente los responsables del proyecto, para que les vayan a enviar toda la informacion que necesitan sobre las bicimaquinas que quieren adquirir (precios, disponibilidad, entrega). Si les gusta voy a dejar sus contactos a las personas que ahora trabajan en el taller de San Andres, porque yo ahora no estoy ahi­! Espero sus noticias…

  3. hola… es un exelente proyecto, muchas felicidades!!
    me gustaria alguna informacion, como las maquinas q hacen, precios, etc…
    estoy interesado en distribuir sus productos.
    se los agradezco, la info la pueden enviar a mi mail….


  4. Hola,
    los conoci’ el ano pasado en el foro de comercio justo y solidario del ano pasado en chimaltenango y me encantaron su bici maquina…..quisiera tener unas info sobre los precios de
    10-15 bicigenerador de electricidad y tambien el precio de una bicimulino. Lo agradezeria mucho si pueden responderme el mas pronto que puedan. Le dejo mi numero de telefono: 40335535
    Gracias por su attencion, buen trabajo,
    Sara Filucchi
    Liberamente Onlus

  5. This is one of the most interesting projects I read about, thanks moro to provide us such a useful information… I’ll definitely contact them to know about volunteering opportunities. You’re writing a very good travel blog
    David from USA

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